
To fully enjoy your stay

Information you should know

  • No enrolment is definitive, and the esf reserves the right to suspend any service if there are less than 5 participants for group lessons.
  • The esf reserves the right to group courses together or to change the timetable and duration.
  • The esf reserves the right to change the allocation of instructors in private lessons in the event of unforeseen circumstances.

Before your lesson

  • Please check the telephone numbers (and email address) given to the esf when you make your booking. Do not hesitate to give two telephone numbers whenever possible.
  • Leave it to the instructors to decide if you need to change levels. If in doubt, register for the lower level so as not to struggle on the first day.
  • In order to respect everyone's time, punctuality at the meeting point for lessons is very important.

During the lesson

  • Make sure you have the appropriate equipment: anorak, woolly hat, mittens or gloves, goggles or face mask, sunscreen and tissues.
  • Have your e-card ready for the first day of lessons.
  • Wearing a helmet is not compulsory (except on certain lessons) but is strongly recommended.
  • Avoid interactions with your child during the lesson in order not to disturb them.
  • Trust the professionals and leave it to the instructors to decide if your child's level should change. Respect their progress and don't try to make them a champion before their time!
  • For snowshoeing or ski touring, think about triple-layer clothing: a breathable under-layer, a fleece jacket and a windbreaker, for example. You'll get warm very quickly when you're out and about, but you'll quickly cool down once you've stopped.

Ski passes, equipment and insurance

  • Ski passes are not included in the price of lessons. Remember to buy a ski pass if you need one!
  • The esf does not insure its students. To avoid the risks and financial hassle of an accident, we highly recommend you take out an insurance such as Carré Neige.
  • The esf accepts no responsibility for any accidents or personal injury that may occur to its students.
  • If you have any doubts about which equipment to rent, please specify to the staff of the shop which activity you are going to do and what's your level in said activity.